
The following groups or individuals have endorsed me for re-election to the Chico Unified School Board

Chico Unified Teacher’s Association
Joy Amaro, Foster Care Agency Director
Sue Warwick
Sally and Tony Mendez
Spring Toms
Richard Roth
Rich Ober
Bernie Vigallon, former director of CUSD continuation schools
Linda and Dan Beadle
Billie Kanter
Mary Huntsinger
Dianne Dobson
Pete Kroner
Kate and Dan Holmes
Grandmaster Azad
Tom Needles
Dorothy Reid
Dru Carroll
Andy Holcombe
Steve O’Bryan
Pullins Cyclery

I have known Eileen Robinson for over 30 years. We worked together at Chapman School. I have followed her career through Chico Unified and her employee’s organization. She has always had their concerns and interests in mind when dealing with students or adults. What impresses me most about Eileen is her ability to listen…..really listen. That’s what I noticed when we first met. She truly cares about children in general and education specifically. Eileen has helped the schools through the most challenging time in my life time. The pandemic turned everyone’s world upside down. The leadership shown by Eileen Robinson has been exemplary. She listened and made decisions based on facts. Please vote for Eileen Robinson for Chico School Board.

Sue W

Teacher, retired

We strongly encourage you to vote for Eileen Robinson for the Chico Unified School District Board. Her experience and expertise has served our community for over four decades, first as a member of the PTA, then as a full time employee. She represented District Classified employees as a representative both locally and statewide. With years now on the District Board she has sat on both sides of the negotiation table. Her children and grandchildren have attended school in the District. She is intimately familiar with the history, budgets and personnel development and enhancement opportunities of CUSD and has a real 21st Century vision and sensitivity to the needs and contributions of educators, service personnel, students and families of our unique diverse community. Chico is fortunate to have had her on the BOD and luckier still to have her again place her name on your ballot. Please do our community the favor of voting for Eileen Robinson for Chico Unified School District Board..

Spring and Richard